

الخير كله

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The names of God is with us
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Is the name of the uniqueness by the God singled out by himself, and made him the first names and adds the whole him not Idvh to name them, all they are after are the adjective has a recipe, which is the name indication of science to the true God and Houidl him sign the University of all the names divine unilateralism. This and the name (of God) Almighty specialized properties not found in other names of God.

The first property: that if you delete a thousand of you say, (God) has remained the rest on a picture (of God and Homokhts in Him, as He (Allah belong the Forces of the heavens and the earth), but omitted from the rest harvest first stayed in the image (to him) as He says (to him the reins of the heavens and the earth), the deleted harvest the remaining were more is we say (is) is also indicated by the Almighty as to say (Say God is one) and Waw Maidp to this fall in Deuteronomy and the combination, you say: namely, they are, there will be no waw where this property is located in the word of God does not exist in other names.

The second characteristic: that the word certificate _ a word that because of moving the infidel of infidelity to Islam _ did not get only this name, if that infidel said: "I bear witness that no god but the Merciful, did not come out of infidelity did not enter Islam, and that indicates the jurisdiction of the This name of this noble property

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Merciful Mstqan two names of compassion, and mercy in the original paper in the heart require a kindly and charity, and this is permissible in the right of the subjects, but shops in the right of God Almighty, and summon compassion Mrhoma .. Late but not need, and mercy are with Mnin tenderness .. And charity, focused interpretation of the meaning in people's nature and uniqueness of tenderness charity. Not called Rahman only to God, as is the one who could everything mercy, and Rahim used in the other is the much mercy, and was told that God minimum Rahman and Rahim, the afterlife, so that his kindness in this world prevail believers and unbelievers, and the Hereafter regard to believers, the name of Rahman particularly the name of the merciful, and kind of Rahman Rahman, and far from able to slaves, Varahman is compassionate to His slaves IGAD I. .. And guided to the faith and the causes of happiness II .. Delight in the Hereafter, and III, and the grace given to holy Face IV. Rahman is Moneim do not think including the issuance of sex slaves, and Rahim is Moneim imagine including the issuance of sex slaves

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King: King

Is the apparent glory of his power, wealth in itself, the administrator of the Okoanh qualities, which is disposed of commands and prohibitions, or the King of all things, God Almighty, King laid-off himself and his qualities and his actions from the other, the needy to him all of everything else, have a life and death and rebirth, resurrection, and the true king can only be God alone, and he knew that the King God alone refused to humiliate the creature, has dispensed with some of the things a person does not dispense with some of the things shall be his share of the King, has dispensed with everything but God, and the slave of his kingdom for his heart .. And his desire and his anger and desires .. And flock to his tongue and his eyes and the rest of its members .. If the king was not owned by the King, it received the degree in his world, is joined by his being independent of all the people That the rank of the prophets, followed by scientists and their own as far as their ability to guide the subjects, these qualities about a person from the angels in the qualities and draw closer to God

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Says language that Jerusalem is the purity, and the Holy Land is cleared, and the Holy House: which purifies the sins, and in the Holy Qur'an in the words of the angels and they speak to God (and we praise praise and cherish you) any purify ourselves to you, and Jibreel called the Holy Spirit to purify himself from defects in the Report of revelation to the apostles, or because the creation of Purity, not enough in the interpretation of the holy in relation to God Almighty that is said to be far above defects and deficiencies, it is almost about to leave literature with God, the Almighty is far above descriptions Kamal people, Ltd. It is also far above descriptions of their lack, but every recipe we envisage to create them and is far above what similar, or equivalent

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Says the language is the safety and Alatinan, immunity and safety, and substance of peace indicates salvation and deliverance, and a healthy heart is pure of defects, and Peace (open the Seine or broken) is a peaceful and non-war, God of peace because it is the publisher of peace between the creatures, which is donor safety in the world and the Hereafter , which is Menzah safety of all the flaws and shortcomings in the completeness of the same qualities and actions, all safety attributable to him issued by it, and the creation of the consortium handed oppression, and Hoamuslim slaves in paradise, which in the opinion of some scholars in the sense the Holy One. And Islam is the title of the religion of God's true and Homstq of article Peace, which is Islam oneself to the Creator, and entrusted him to be in his life peaceful and pacifist who Isalemh, and the greeting of Muslims among them is the (peace be upon you and the mercy and blessings of God) and the Prophet, may Allah bless him Pslm a lot of advocacy for peace, says : Peace of Islam .. Spread the greeting of peace received .. Keep them together three of the collection of faith: Nevsm with equity, and make peace to the world, and tunnels of Aliguetar (ie, with the need) .. Spread the greeting of salaam amongst yourselves .. O peace, you peace, and peace will return to you, Lord Sometimes this Council to peace

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Belief in the language is the ratification and said SAFE of security against fear, and God gives security to those who jump him and used, God is the believer who united himself by saying (God saw that it is no god but He), who believes his allies among the punishment, and believes in slaves from oppression, is Creator of tranquility in the heart, that God is the creator of the causes of fear and safety reasons, all of us and he says scare does not preclude being a believer, and being a humiliating does not preclude being Maza, so too is the believer and terrible, that the name (the believer) came attributed to the Almighty God in the Quran once and one in Al-Hashr in the verse (God is not God but is the King Holy, the One Mighty arrogant Hallelujah, they ascribe to) Al-Hashr

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Hegemony is doing a thing and care for him, and the dominant is the Sergeant or the witness, and Sergeant of the names of God, the Almighty means Sergeant keeper of all things, the amounts in the control and conservation, or scenes of the world in all things, secret and whisper, the listener out of gratitude and complaint, the motivation to to attack the scourge, which is witness familiar with the actions of his creatures, which sees the thoughts, and he knows the secrets, and see the phenomena, which is overseeing the work of slaves, based on the presence of the conservation and seize

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Splendor in the language is power and intensity and dominance and greatness, and abstinence, and reinforcement is reinforcement, and Aziz's name from the names of Allah is serious, (which at least there like him. And much needed. It is difficult to access it) and if you do not meet these meanings of the three has not been named Aziz, the sun: an unparalleled .. And benefit from great and the need for severe but it is indescribable pride because it is not difficult to reach the view. In the words of Allaah (Glory be to God, His Prophet and the believers, but the hypocrites do not know) Vaezzp investigation here God, and His messenger as well, and the believers with the blessing of their faith in the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him

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Language says: redress against breakage, and repair of thing kind of oppression, Jabr said bone fracture, and any sums poor song, and the mighty in the language is a great high
And Orion in the right of God Almighty is the one who carried out his will as a matter of coercion in every one, does not implement extended to the will of one, and shows its provisions by force, or go out one for the grip of appreciation, not only to God, and came in an interview of Imam Ali (Jabbar hearts Aftrtha Hqiha and Saidha ) any hearts that he was forced Hqiha and Saidha as fast in it know it, has launched a speech-Jabbar praise him for a slave and that is the beloved servant of God, which is to be a mighty mighty on the same .. the devil .. Manrsa of disobedience
And Orion is arrogant, and arrogance in the right of Allah Mahmoud described, and in the right of the subjects described the blameworthy

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Arrogant with pride, is the perfection of self and the perfection of existence, and the pride and greatness in one sense, there is no pride to others, a unique greatness and pride, the transcendent qualities of character, who grows what requires a lack or need, or the transcendent qualities of creatures qualities and the same
Everyone who sees greatness and pride for himself without regard to where the other sees himself as the best of creation with the rights of people in both, vision was false and void, only God

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Creation in the sense of language construction .. or share the abundant goodness and righteousness. And the creator of the attributes of God Almighty is the creator of things, the creator is the inventor on her example above, which is a measure things in Twaya not, and supplemented by own generosity and kindness, and show it at will and His will and wisdom.

And God the Creator in terms of appreciation of the first, and Albarye to find according to estimate, and the photographer to arrange the pictures after the IGAD, for example, human .. First, it is estimated that it assesses the body is .. .. and then provides it, including the movement and give him the qualities that make him sane

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The Creator

Says Albarye language of healing, a clearance of thing than others, such as God made him well from his illness.

Albarye Vyasme God Almighty is the one who created the universe, not the example, and particularly of healing of creation, God created the heavens and the earth, and God's healing Aura, arrogance, God of Adam from clay

Albarye which discharge the essence of the creatures of the lesions, which is innocent of the things disparities and inconsistencies, which is given every creature described by the knowledge of him in eternity, and some scientists say that the name Albarye named him to safety from pests and won more than the stated safety of Abomination

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Says the language thing is to make imaging on the image, the image is the shape and body
Photographer of the names of Allah is the creator of images of creatures, and Mazinha his wisdom, and given every creature pictured on the wisdom of the eternal, as well as pictures of God people in the womb in stages, and the formation after the formation, and, as God said Anaaly (We created man from a quintessence of clay, and then We made the sperm in a safe lodging, then We the drop a little lump, clot a little lump lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh, then We created another blessed be Allah the Best of creators), and also shows a good imaging in the body reality show Hassan completed and completed in the door of morality, did not bless God Almighty for His Messenger peace be upon him as a person owes a good attitude when he said (and you are creating a great), and as multiple images multiple images chilling morality and foul

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In language Aghaffr and forgiveness: Jackets, and everything jacket has Ghafrth, and Ghaffar of the names of Allah is the concealment of sins, and forgiveness by His grace and Rahmanh, not the repentance of His slaves and obedience, who Aspl to conceal sins in this world and beyond for punishment in the Hereafter, which is absolving the Forgiving and Ghaffar , and Ghafoor informed of absolving, and Ghaffar informed of the Forgiving, and the first cover of God on a person or body making the Mkabh imported in the subsoil, and his thoughts and his will to make the ugly in the depths of his heart, and only his abhorrence of people, God Aourath faster.

Should be the servant politely politeness great name Pfister defects brothers and looked for them, it is necessary to talk of forgiveness of God made him all the joy they are, and each narrow way, and the living of where the count

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Oppression in the language is dominant and belittling together, a thing to seize Vyalazahr and subcontractors .. And the oppressor and the attributes of the Almighty God and His names, and exaggeration in the Almighty God is omnipotent, who created invincible His absolute sovereignty and power, is often content with all of His creation, or hate, oppression of human sleep

If the insured wants the creation of the Almighty, he embryogenesis to overcome the same even obey the orders of Lord and overcome Satan and lust and anger. Narrated that one of those who know the income of the Sultan saw him Ivb fly from his face, whenever expelled returned, he asked Arif: Did not God create flies? Arif replied: to humiliate the mighty

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Gift to make your own for someone else without compensation, and have Rcunninan one ownership, and the other without compensation, and the donor is given, and Wahab, an exaggeration of the Wahab and Wahab and the giver of names of Allah, given the need, without question, and starts Balattiyp, God, many blessings

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Sustainer of the provision, which is given a living, and only God has spoken. And livelihood of two types, "phenomenon" of the hulls, "like eating, and" invisible "to the hearts and souls Kalmaref science, and if God wanted his servant with good living note of the guide, and hand in unspent Mtsedkp, and if I like a slave more than help the creation to him, and if you make it and the mode between him and the slaves in the arrival of livelihood to them received the good name of Razzaq

Said the Prophet peace be upon him (what a patient to harm .. heard from God, calling him a child and then Ieaverm bless them), and of the causes of livelihood capacity to maintain them with patience and prayer

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Conquest against the closure, is also a victory, and up-front is Alastnsar, and Fattah Mbagp in the open and all of the names of God, Fattah is that by seeking to open all closed, and Bhdaith exposed every problem, and sometimes he opens the kingdoms of the prophets, and sometimes lifted the veil from the hearts of his allies, and opens to them the doors to the kingdom of skies, and the keys to the unseen and the keys of sustenance, and He opens doors for Asin forgiveness, and open the doors of sustenance to the slaves

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Knowing the word is derived from the science, and Hoodrack thing Bhakiqth, the Almighty, the Knower is the amounts in science, Flmh comprehensive of all the information surrounding it, prior to its existence, nothing is hidden, visible and invisible, accurate and great, from beginning to end, have knowledge of the unseen and the knowledge of the Hour, He knows what in the womb, and He knows what every soul earns, and aware of any land it will die.

And slave, if God wanted him good and Wahba gift of science, and science has a tyranny worse than the tyranny of money and the person is obliged not be deceived by his knowledge, narrated that Jibreel said Khalil Ibrahim, and Hovey ordeal (Do you have a need), said Ibrahim (As you do not), he said to him, Gabriel (ask God), said Ibrahim (my situation is sufficient knowledge of whats). It is learned that the Almighty, the Knower be ashamed of God and refrain from sins and know that Allah knows the condition Blith patience and thanked the gift, and I apologize for the ugliness of sin

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Arrest was the introduction, the collection of the hands on the thing, and possession against unrolled, God clutch means, which caught in his subjugation of souls and lives in justice, wisdom and livelihood, intimidation and hearts of majesty. And the arrest of a blessing from God to His servants, if the arrested man went for a livelihood as a whole will pacify God, and if you catch hearts provided an advocate in the relief of what then, is the clutch Basset

There are different types of arrest first: the arrest in the provision, and the second: the arrest of the clouds as he says (God who sends the clouds Phippsth in the sky and how He makes it a piece you see the rain come through if struck by whom He will of His slaves if they rejoice), III: in shadows and lights and God says (Did you see how thy Lord hath spread the shade, even if willing, to make it still, then made the sun its guide, then We seize unto Us), IV: souls, V: seized the territory he says (and appreciated is the right amount of the whole earth is his grip on the Resurrection brochures and the heavens with his right hand be glorified and exalted far above), the sixth was arrested charity, VII: arrested hearts

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Rugs Balsen or Balsad is published, the duration, and Sarah, Basset of the names of Allah its meaning expanded to the livelihoods of those who wills of His slaves, and is also simplified the soul happy, joy, and said: Basset, which enlarges the provision for the weak, and enlarges the provision for the rich until there is no destitution, and he takes possession of the poor so as not to keep power.

The name of Basset and clutch together, indescribable God arrest without rugs, means unspeakable deprivation without tender, and tender without deprivation

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Reduction against uploaded, a fracture and soft, God-reducing, which reduces the humiliation some people and reduce the falsehood, and humiliating to those who anger him, and Muscat, who earned degrees
And the believer that he has reduced the devil and sinful people, and reduce the wing of submission through mercy, for his parents and the believers

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Uploader Almighty is the one who raises the guardians of victory, and raises the righteous approached, and raise the right, and raises the faithful Bali.e.

And uploaded said sometimes the objects placed if Oalitha for its headquarters, interpretation of the meaning (which raised the heavens without any pillars that you see), and sometimes in construction if Toulth interpretation of the meaning (By raising the house rules Ibrahim and Ismail), and sometimes in the above interpretation of the meaning (and we raised you boy ") , and sometimes in the status if the balcony interpretation of the meaning (and we raised some above others)

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Goats, which is the good old who wishes to come, Allah, the Almighty because it often forces which are not dominated, and the consortium is difficult infallibility of the Prophets and the victory, to cause parents to the conservation and prestige, and the compiler is difficult, even if he is poor, and raise, even if Abdullah met Abyssinian

Has been accompanied by the name of Aziz al-Hakim on behalf of and forces .. .. .. Thi vengeance and Rahim Wahab .. and .. and .. Ghaffar and Forgiving and Hamid Alim .. and .. and .. and able-Jabbar. Has been linked to obedience to God's splendor, it is obedience and the light detection and veil, and linking the Almighty humiliation of sin, it is a sin and humiliation and darkness, and the veil between you and God, and the origin in the cherish the right to be slaves, conviction, and away from the greed

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Humiliation of what was about oppression, and animal Alzlol is Almenkadp is Mtassabp, and humiliating is the one who suffered the humiliation of someone who pleases of His servants, that of D-eye to the creation, so I need them, and highlighted by careful so as not to convince the sufficiency, and lured him in deception even deceived himself, was humiliated, and usurp , and the making of God, is difficult of wills and humiliate whom God humiliate man mighty sick or lust or money or Balahtiaj to others, what your best Abdullah as much as they humiliate the humiliation of himself, and humiliated slave of God so what holds memories of himself, and he says to God Glory to His Messenger and the believers

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God is the hearer, ie marked by hearing all the assets without sense or machine, is the Hearing, to the appeal of being forced, and Hamad Hamidin, and thoughts of hearts and concerns of the soul, and conversing with pronouns, and listen to each Najwa, and nothing is hidden on earth or in heaven, not occupied by the call for an appeal , does not prevent him from prayer prayer

It may be hearing in the sense of acceptance according to the word of the Prophet peace be upon him: (O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the words is not heard), or be aware of the sense of interpretation of the meaning (God has heard the words of her husband in which Tjadlk). Or the sense of understanding and mind such as the verse (do not tell Raina say we look and listen), or the sense of obedience interpretation of the meaning (If then) should be the servant to know that God did not create a hearing only to hear the Word of God, who revealed to His Prophet benefiting by the shop, that if a person reach out to the Lord God I love Balnoavl Vofad his hearing Nora implemented by the insight to behind the article

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Sight is the eye, or sense of vision, foresight doctrine of the heart, and the seeing is God Almighty, see the treachery of the eyes and hearts conceal, who watches all things, and seemingly Kavera, seeing to all the Assets, without sense or machine

And for a person that knows that God created him blind for consideration by the signs and wonders of the kingdom, and he knows that God sees and hears, "said the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: (Ihsan is to worship Allah as though you see it, is not seen it can see you), narrated that some people said of Jesus, the son of Mary peace be upon him: Do you find the creation of like you, he said: "The consideration of a lesson, and waking thought, and his male is optimal

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Rule language in the sense of prevention, governance name of heaven, Allah, is the owner of separation between truth and falsehood, and the righteous and the immoral, and figuratively all the same as I worked, which separates his creatures as he wishes, unique among the wretched, and happy punishment and reward. God and the provision does not ward off His decree, or ward to spend, not overturn his rule, is not in doubt and his promise, nor do the secrets, and the Almighty said: And follow what is revealed to thee and be patient till Allah is the Best of Judges

Said the Prophet, peace be upon him: (He who knows the mystery of God in much dignity or calamities), observed a person of this name-Sharif to be governor of your anger do not get angry at those who insult thee, and to control the craving but it pleased God to you, do not grieve for what obstructed, and make the mind under Sultan al-Shara, and governed so take the ear of the Almighty God of Justice ruling

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Justice of the names of Allah, is a moderate, puts everything misplaced, for the consideration of rights to the body it is a composite of different objects, including: bone .. Meat .. .. Skin, bone and make the pillar .. And meat Soana him .. And skin Soana to the flesh, if the opposite order and showed what Obtun to champion the system, he says (just the heavens and the earth), is justice, which gives everyone his rights, it does not make him only of justice, it is Menzah injustice and inequity in its provisions and actions, and the Almighty said (and if judge between people you judge with justice), observed a person of the name of justice to be a compromise between the two sides of excessiveness, in most case careful and on recklessness, which is the excess, and cheese which is negligence, and remains on the center, which is courage, and He says (and also made you a middle nation that you be witnesses over mankind) the verse

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Latif in the language I have three meanings: to be a world matters a few minutes, the second: is the little thing flour, III: If Oatif tags attached to him and brought the benefits that are not able to access them himself. And gentle sense of the second in the right of God is impossible, meaning (God is nice slaves) were likely to all stakeholders first and third, and carried the recipe with the verse of Allah was frightening because he irregularities in the sense of the world occult meaning (knows the fraud of the eyes, and hide the breasts). God is gentle, who met his kindness in mind, and science few minutes and delivery of those things of him from the creation, in the Quran often accompanied by the name of the gentle name of the expert understanding of the meaning in the fi

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God is the expert, which nothing is hidden on earth or in heaven, and do not move unless the movement knows its dwelling place and its repository. The difference between the Knower and the expert, that expert Pfid science, but Knowing if Khvaya called experts. It is learned that God is aware of taking Mahtersa was in his words and his actions and confident that what he understood by the department, and did not divide sees him do not realize all the incidents of God Vthun it matters, is sufficient by invoking the need in his heart not to speak of the tongue

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Halim language: patience and prudence, and Halim is the one who is not rushing to punishment, rather than slips, and forgives sins, Halim of the names of Allah in the sense to delay the penalty for some beneficiaries, and then punish them, and exceed them, and may accelerate the punishment for some of them and he says (even blaming God's people what they have earned is left alive on earth). He says the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham for Halim, imploring, penitent), and Ismail (Fbhernah Halim, a son). Narrated that Abraham peace be upon him saw a man in the business of sin, he said (O Ohlkh) perished, and then saw the second and third called Vhlkua, saw IV Understanding pray him that Allah revealed to him: Stand O Abraham Had We destroyed every Abdel stick to what remained only a little, but if you stick Omhlnah, If he repents we accepted, but insisted we delay his punishment, knowing that it does not come out for our
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رد: انشروووووووووووووه

ترا اسماء الله ومعناه
رد: انشروووووووووووووه

ينقل لقسم اللغه الانجليزيه

والمرجو من الاعضاء الترجمه والتأكد من الطرح وسلامته من اي مخالفه
