برنامج تحديد المواقع Sygic Mobile GPS لجوالات نوكيا

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عضو مشارك
Sygic Mobile GPS
Sygic Mobile GPS for Nokia is one of the most powerful GPS applications to date and they seem to be getting better and better with every new release. Sygic McGuilder GPS Navigation system is a well known brand in almost all the major markets which supports GPS connectivity and tracking including the Windows Mobile and External Car GPS. If you have never heard of Sygic and you claim to own a spanking new Nokia then you have a long way to go
رد: برنامج تحديد المواقع Sygic Mobile GPS لجوالات نوكيا

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من قرأ الموضوع (مجموع الاعضاء: 1)

اعضاء قاموا بالرد على الموضوع (مجموع الاعضاء: 2)
