
For youuu


New member

If the day comes when I die
and go up in the sky as I'm
there so far I'll well write your on every star so u
look up and see

You and Me
The way should be
the best ones that can ever be

If you hold 11 flowers
and look to the mirror
you will see the most beautiful 12 flowers
in the word

Its raining now should u look out
the windows and try to count the number
of rain drops u see filling from the sky
above that's how much I'm missing u now

Hello means

H - have u missed me
E - everything is aright
L- like to be with u
L- like to see u
o - obviously I miss u
Just want to say hello to u

Love is Love i love my love
my love is you so i love you

HATE me. LEAVE me. BREAK me.
DO any thing but
please DON'T... FORGET ME !!

Love isn't when u can be together and talk about
it's when u can be together and not say a
word and think it's the best conversation you've had

Everyone says
u can only fall in love once
But that's not true.
Because every time I hear your voice
I fall in love all over again

U can fall from the sky
U can fall from a tree
the best way to fall is in love
with me

Don't say u love me unless u really mean it
I might do something crazy like, believe it

If u love me
Then let me know
If u don't !! Then let me go

When I saw u I was afraid to meet u
When I meet u was afraid to love u
When I loved u I was afraid to lose u !

One day you'll love me as I have loved u
One day you'll cry for me as I have cried for you
One day you'll need me but
I won't need you

When all seas become dry
When all birds leave the sky
When all family say good bye My passion to you will never die.

Take my eyes but let me see you
Take my mind but let me think about you
Take my hands but let me touch you
But if you want to take my heart its already yours

Some people come into our live
and quickly go
some stay for awhile and
leave footprints on our hearts

Love is like a cloud
Love is like a dream
Love is one word and everything in between
Love is a fairytale come true because
I found love when I found u

I looked for u

Up and Down
Left and Right
Here and There

Every Where

Just to tell u that I really miss u a lot

When I miss a special person
I don't have to go too far
I just have to look inside my heart
that's always where my special peoples are

People live, people die
people laugh, people cry

some give up, some still try
some say hi ! Some say bye

others may forget you
but never will I

One day the moon said to me
if he makes u cry
why don't u leave here

I told the moon
would u ever leave your sky

رد: For youuu

If you hold 11 flowers
and look to the mirror
you will see the most beautiful 12 flowers
in the word

رد: For youuu

When I saw u I was afraid to meet u
When I meet u was afraid to love u
When I loved u I was afraid to lose u !

One day you'll love me as I have loved u
One day you'll cry for me as I have cried for you
One day you'll need me but
I won't need you


كلماااات رااااائعة .. حاولت ترجمتها ..

فوجدت فيها عبارات تعبر احاسيس ومشاعر جميلة

لك مني كل التقدير اخوي .. الراقي

لا عدمنا قلمك المبدع ..
رد: For youuu

حياك الله مراقبتنا القديره
و حيا الله ذوقــــك الراقي
ممتن لمرورك آهه و صمت
رد: For youuu


مرحبا بك
المتذوقه الذائقه

أسعدني أن راقتك
و سعدت بمرورك كل الشكر

( بديعه مادتك الصوتيه بتوقيعك
و شجيه لاحرمتِ أجرها )
